"Veido Fondas" is a non-profit organization whose goal is to help patients with facial defects who cannot choose appropriate treatment due to financial difficulties. more

Viktorija Karečkaitė

29 m.
Skeletal malocclusion
Required amount of support: 
12000 Eur
Amount of support already collected: 
2743 Eur

The amount of support used: 
Support balance: 

My story:

Hello, my name is Victoria. I am 28 years old. My diagnosis: - skeletal malocclusion: crooked, crowded teeth, irregular bite, too narrow upper dental arch, open bite (Angle I), underdeveloped lower jaw, discrepancy between jaws 8mm.

When I started my journey towards straight teeth, I couldn't even imagine that I might need surgery on both jaws. When there were favorable opportunities to put on braces and straighten my teeth to beautify my smile, I decided to turn to an orthodontist with excellent recommendations in my city for a consultation. During the consultation, she told me that in order to eliminate the fundamental problem - the 8 mm discrepancy between the jaws and improve the quality of life, just straightening the teeth with the help of braces - will not be enough. When I heard that orthognathic surgery was needed, I cried. After all, I came to ask for treatment with braces because I want to straighten my crooked teeth, which are causing me discomfort, and because my situation is much more serious and with such an irregular bite I may have very serious problems in the future, I am confused. Although some problems are already bothering me. I.e. bad chewing of food and very difficult swallowing and breathing. Digestive problems, tooth wear, etc. may also contribute in the future. I remember when the orthodontist told me the preliminary price of the treatment, I felt helpless in that situation. The amount with braces treatment and surgery turned out to be very high. I wondered what to do next. This is not a one-day whim, but an opportunity to change the quality of life. Whether to decide on a new phase of life and help yourself feel better by making a very important decision about surgery or to live as you have been and not change anything. If I decide to have orthognathic surgery, there will be no turning back. I won't be able to stop halfway. I had a lot of thoughts and questions in my head, but she encouraged and reassured me by telling me about the possibility of applying to the "Face Fund" if the financial obligations were too great. Thanks to the "Veido Fondas" organization and good people, the future of patients is changing. That day I calmed down and left. It took time for reflection and inspiration to get started. I was afraid that I might not be able to save the required amount, I was not sure how everything would be during the treatment with braces and the operation, how things would go after everything, but when I decided to start I was accompanied by a great desire, inner strength and faith that I would succeed. The desire to live a better quality of life, the desire to chew food well and not have swallowing and breathing problems. The desire to have healthy teeth and a correct bite. I no longer thought about the fact that I only want straight, beautiful teeth. The most important thing for me was and still is to avoid much bigger health problems in the future due to my current situation. Before I end my story, I will share an unpleasant experience that I could not avoid, but I would very much like to avoid it in the future. Never. This has happened to me several times. I choked on food. Why did this happen? Then I thought, maybe it was because I was in a hurry to eat, and maybe it was because the food was badly chewed due to the awkward position of the jaws and swallowing became difficult. At that moment, I started to run out of air, I couldn't breathe, but I'm glad that my loved ones were there and provided help in time and place. Everything ended well and I didn't suffocate. Then I was very scared, and I don't want to live in fear that I might suffocate. Therefore, I share my story and ask everyone (although it is very difficult for me to ask) who can help and contribute to the realization of my goal and dream - orthognathic surgery of both jaws. Help me. Thank you very much.