"Veido Fondas" is a non-profit organization whose goal is to help patients with facial defects who cannot choose appropriate treatment due to financial difficulties. more

Samanta Moceikaitytė

29 m.
Skeletal malocclusion
Required amount of support: 
12000 Eur
Amount of support already collected: 
2143 Eur

The amount of support used: 

Hello, I am Samanta Moceikaitytė, I am 26 years old. I have had a problematic bite since childhood. As a child, I wore dental plates, but unfortunately, with their help alone, it was not possible to straighten my teeth and fix my bite. The worst thing is that I didn't even realize at the time how big a problem crooked teeth can become.

Because of my malocclusion, which is clearly visible, I was bullied, so I often felt shy and lacked self-confidence.

Over the years, the problems have grown. Today, the upper jaw is too deep, and the lower one protrudes too far forward, which has resulted in an almost always perceptible "creaking" between the jaws, strong crunching, pain, wear of the teeth. If you gape too hard, there is a chance that the jaw will dislocate...

My desire is to have straight teeth, a correct bite, to be able to fully chew food and not to hear crunching while eating.

The only way to make this dream come true is orthognathic surgery.

Since the treatment is very expensive and is not reimbursed, I am asking for your help to help my dream come true.